
Boot.elf bootmini.elf copy
Boot.elf bootmini.elf copy

boot.elf bootmini.elf copy

I’ve changed boot.elf to boot.dol with no success. Note, if your forwarder channel only loads dol's and not elf's, launch MMM's boot.dol, then use its "App Manager" to load the Hackmii Installer. The only 2 files on the sd card are the private folder and boot.elf. It's written 'If you have previously installed BootMii as boot2, you can also use the SD browser of the BootMii shell to launch the MINI version - use the bootmini.elf binary in this case.

boot.elf bootmini.elf copy

Like this, it can load any boot.dol or boot.elf file that can be found in the root of the SD.


zip file and unzip it Copy 'private' folder and 'boot.elf'.

boot.elf bootmini.elf copy

3432217f96 17 This tutorial applies to versions of the Wii System Menu ranging from. As there's quite a lot of these, I'm gonna briefly explain how to.

Then start the channel and the Hackmii Installer will load allowing you to reinstall the HBC.

4 Elf Winter Warmer Ale (8.7 ABV). I read carrefully readme.txt file from the hackmii v0.8 installation and I notice a file bootmini.elf. Copy boot.elf & private folder to the SD. As you might already know, there's 'homebrew' applications that you can get for your PS2.

Step 4: You should see 'UlaunchELF' file. Step 3: Once booted select 'Device Manager' and then go to the USB icon. SD:\apps\hackmii_installer\boot.elf or SD:\apps\MMM\boot.dol) to the location used by your SPECIFIC Forwarder Channel (ie. Step 1: Put the FMCB files and the UlaunchELF in the USB Stick. Find 'bootmini.elf and select it by pressing Reset. Run BootMii and select the SD icon using a Gamecube controller or the Power button on the front of your Wii and select it by pressing A (with a GC controller) or the Reset button on your Wii. If using a Forwarder Channel, just save the boot.elf/dol from the app you want to load (ie. Guide: Take the HackMii Installer 'bootmini.elf' and copy it to your SD card. This will load the Hackmii Installer allowing you to reinstall the HBC. Then boot your wii, BootMii will load, go To the SD menu, load bootmini.elf.


If using BootMii as Boot2 to install the HBC, copy the 'BootMii' folder from your previous BootMii install to the root of your SD Card (or download it using ModMii). Note: if this Wii was previously modified, and it has either the HBC, BootMii as Boot2, or a Forwarder Channel installed, you can use that instead of an exploit (as it does not require physically owning a specific game).

Boot.elf bootmini.elf copy